September 2014 Hackathon notes

Hi everyone,

Here's my summary of my experience at the Hackathon.  I have likely
missed some things, and maybe even misrepresented some other things,
so please do step in and correct me as need be.

Last week at the Hackathon, we had participation from several visitors
as well as several NCSA and UIUC individuals.  There were many pieces
of technology demoed, as well as lots of work on new developments and
deployments locally.  Below I've summarized the technologies and
attempted to describe some of the interconnections, although I hope
that in areas where I'm less familiar that Ray can step in and help
out with some updates and expansions.

Software Projects


Jim Myers represented the SEAD project, and provided a demo of how
SEAD ingests data, transports data, and presents it.  SEAD includes a
number of interesting functions, especially the virtual archiver, and
I believe that there is now ongoing discussion between NCSA and UMich
teams about the underpinning technology Medici.  SEAD is open source
and can be deployed.


SEEDME is a project out of SDSC which provides storage for transitory
artifacts from the data analysis process.  One example is emitting
image frames from in situ analysis of simulations, which SEEDME will
then turn into movie files.  SEEDME can also accept IPython notebooks,
which it can dispatch to a renderer to display.  (These are
essentially computable papers.)  SEEDME is a DIBBS project.  During
the hackathon, yt was instrumented to communicate with SEEDME, sending
notebooks and images.  Discussed was exporting from SEEDME to
SciDrive.  SEEDME is not currently open source and cannot be deployed


SciDrive is described as a "dropbox for science," which can act as a
platform for applying processes to data.  Examples include parsing
FITS files or converting to and from CSV files and databases.  During
the hackathon, CILogin was added to SciDrive, an instance was deployed
at NCSA, and a plugin for metadata extraction was created.  Unlike
Dropbox, SciDrive also tracks metadata.  Like Dropbox, it uses an
object store for storing files.  While for the purposes of my writeup
I have thought of iRODS as the mechanism by which data can be
archived, SciDrive may also present a compelling possibility for such
archiving.  SciDrive is open source and can be deployed locally.

Analysis as a Service

Starting with a project called Jiffylab, this was developed as a
mechanism for supplying scripts, running those scripts in an isolated
environment, and retaining the artifacts.  Scripts are executed next
to the data, in a protected and safe environment.  OpenID is currently
the only supported authentication service.  This is open source and
can be deployed locally.

iRODS Archive

iRODS is a piece of software that provides methods to abstract out
many important components of data archiving, while still leaving room
for providing services on top.  During the hackathon, iRODS was
experimented with, including tying it into the AaaS project for both
providing data and ingesting the results of that data.  iRODS is open
source and can be deployed locally.


ownCloud is an application server.  It includes APIs to communciate
with Dropbox (and thus SciDrive), S3, iRODS, and several other storage
methods.  The purpose of ownCloud is to provide a single entry point
to the variety of archiving systems.  ownCloud is open source
(although AGPLv3) and can be deployed locally.


The UIUC Library has developed a web application to accept metadata
and/or data which will be provided to EZID and DataCite to get back

How Do They Tie Together

The components that are available at this point provide the following
services for the NDS:

 * Generating DOIs with affiliated [meta]data
 * Archival storage (iRODS) that exposes:
   * GSI authentication
   * Methods for upload and download, including web-based and CLI
   * Registration of data objects that exist on a file system
   * Generation of new archives and "collections"
   * Querying based on metadata
 * Temporary storage (SEEDME) that can collect intermediate data
products along with viewers and metadata.
 * Semi-permanent storage (SciDrive) that can manipulate data, retain
metadata, and import/export to various sources.
   * Metadata can be extracted from recognized files.
   * Convenient interface for exploring available data.
 * Transformation of data and generation of new data products
   * Data selected from the archival system
   * New artifacts created
 * User interface for these data systems (ownCloud)

What this presents is this story, which an individual can dip in and
out of at any time:

 * User A generates data, which goes into one of the following: SEEDME
(then to SciDrive once it has been curated), SciDrive, or the iRODS
system.  IMPORTANT NOTE: This can and probably should be accomplished
via Globus!
 * User A either automatedly or manually generates a DOI for this
using the EZID interface.
 * User B searches the metadata, identifies a dataset.
 * User B uploads a script, which executes in an environment that has
access to the data identified previously.
 * Artifacts from this process are presented to User B, which she can
save to her SciDrive folder.
 * User B exports from SciDrive to the iRODS system, which generates a
DOI and metadata linking that DOI back to the initial DOI generated
for User A.

What They Don't Do Yet

At present, there are many gaps in the system which prevent it from
being fully functioning, or even demo-worthy.  Each individual
component presents a nice featureset, but as of yet they are still
largely disconnected.

 * ownCloud hasn't been switched over to use SciDrive instead of Dropbox.
 * SEEDME still exists largely on its own.
 * Artifacts generated by the analysis as a service are not yet sent
back to SciDrive.
 * SciDrive exporting to iRODS has not been implemented.
 * The archiving system (iRODS) as of yet is largely empty, and does
not track metadata.  This is simply a matter of turning on this
functionality, but the necessary modifications to other aspects of
iRODS suggest we will likely require help from an iRODS expert.
 * AaaS and the archiving system need authentication, and
authentication passed through the system, that match elsewhere.
 * The user interface for the archive and analysis-as-a-service are
embarassingly barebones.

Despite this, the entire system will accomplish many of the tasks identified as
key for NDS:

 * Collecting data
 * Assigning DOIs
 * Querying based on DOIs
 * Providing methods to link up to papers from DOI landing pages
 * Doing something with data

How Do We Finish The Job

I believe that with the following sets of work, we can have a
compelling use case that is generic enough not to just serve a single
pilot project.

 * Authentication work for iRODS and AaaS
 * Work on the iRODS microservices; specifically, utilizing the EZID
interface from UIUC library, adding metadata, and retaining upstream
metadata links.  This may all be written via the "microservice"
architecture or "rules" files.
 * Work connecting SciDrive, AaaS, iRODS and ownCloud.  This may be
relatively simple, as they all utilize APIs that are documented, open,
and even implemented in draft or final form.
 * Web UI work on the various frontends.  I believe this may be the
most key aspect of the project.
 * Coordinated orchestration of the deployed services, likely through
some cloud orchestration technology such as Mesos, Juju, Vagrant, or
something similar.  This will be crucial for deploying these services
reproducibly elsewhere, including at the SC14 demo.

To support this, we will likely need concerted effort on short
timescales from individuals who are interested or skilled in these

 * Orchestration of cloud services
 * Web design for semantic UI, such as AngularJS
 * iRODS mso and/or rules language
 * Constructing and utilizing REST APIs

I believe that with these skills, we can have a workable pilot.  We
have these resources here at NCSA:

 * SciDrive instance tied to CILogin (scidrive.ncsa)
 * ownCloud instance tied to Kerberos (owncloud.ncsa)
 * Three VMs for analysis as a service (ythub[123].ncsa)
 * Storage in the storage condo

GitHub and BitBucket organizations and repos have been created under
the name nds-org.  Once UI has begun to be worked on, we can set up
continuous deployment for code and UI changes pushed to these repos.
This should speed development and also reduce conflicts during

Thanks very much,


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