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Plante shifting his role in NDS

Hi friends of NDS,

For the past year, I've been serving as the Interim Project Manager 
at NCSA for the National Data Service and the Consortium.  You've 
known me as one sending out emails, planning the Consortium workshops, 
and generally overseeing the kickstarting of this important community 
endevour we are collaborating together on.  

Later this month, we'll be proving out the "Interim" part of that job 
title as I transition from my position here at NCSA to a new post at 
NIST, beginning June 1.  There I'll be working with our friend Bob 
Hanisch in the new Office of Data and Informatics in the Materials 
Measurement Lab.  Fortunately, this new work will allow me to remain 
involved in NDS, though in a much different and reduced role.

This is a good time to thank all of you for the enthusiasm and 
expertise you've brought to the NDS--it's made the work fascinating to 
me in addition to just being plain important.  I would especially like 
to thank Ed Seidel and John Towns for their vision, encouragement, and 
support over the past year; few people understand the need for a 
national data infrastructure better than they do, and I'm honored that 
they would talk me into helping to build on their vision.  I must also 
thank my co-pilot here at NCSA, Kandace Turner-Jones, has done a great 
job, often quietly, keeping the project organized.

Meanwhile, John and Kandace (along with Matt Turk working on NDS Labs) 
have been working hard to keep activities going and bringing in new 
faces from the community; you'll hear more about that soon.  This will 
not be the last you'll hear from me as we'll have a few new updates 
coming out soon.  Know that you can continue to communicate with us 
through the info@nationaldataservice.org address or through the 
discussion lists.  

I look forward to continued work with you and, in particular, seeing 
you at the next NDS workshop.

Ray Plante

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