RE: NDS Developer Meeting / Working Session 7/20/2015 @ 11A CT

Hi Mike,

A quick clarification or two based off the notes from yesterday.

"no active development occurring on web UI (nds-explorer) because UI being generated by tooling inside the nds-webservices repo

    we want to move away from this – web UI should be separated from web services implementation"

To clarify, there is active development being done on the UI, it is just happening within the nds-webservices repo, and was moved out of nds-explorer. The tooling that the strongloop items gives us simply allows the UI to easily access the strongloop REST api.

Secondly, the decision to move it into the nds-webservice repo was made last Wednesday, so we would be reversing that decision. The discussion was centered around splitting the responsibilities of the two rest endpoints (the external that has the openstack management, and the internal, handling fleet, docker, etc.). Since those are two distinct applications, the nds-webservice work was moved to that repo to act as a reference client as we build out that application. The nds-explorer could now be used as the basis or foundation for a reference implementation for the internal rest endpoints.

The nds-webservices client can be broken out simply. The tooling from strongloop simply generates a file that contains services that can be placed with any angular client, with only the base url having to be adjusted. However, since it is intended to be a reference client, we discussed how it would be simpler to package and deploy it together.

"build and parse the HTTP directly (programmatically) for the OpenStack REST calls

    No – we prefer to use an language-specific API for building/making the OpenStack calls (e.g. python-novaclient)"

Regarding this item, strictly speaking to make REST calls, no matter which framework we use, it wouldn't have to be as low level necessarily as having to literally build the URL from scratch each time and parse the response. There are libraries and modules that we would leverage to abstract much of that away and simplify handling of 



From: owner-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [owner-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Mike Freemon [mfreemon@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 9:39 AM
To: NDS discuss
Subject: NDS Developer Meeting / Working Session 7/20/2015 @ 11A CT


* quick review of recent service refresh
   * including new getting started approach
* need decision regarding technical approach for the webapp/webservices
   * quick review of recent thread
   * pros/cons from Mario
* NDS-25 implementation of NDS web services API
* NDS-2 website frontend


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Conference ID: 56564583

- Mike

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